At last President Uhuru supports Khaligraph Jones

After finishing his official speech during the unique labor day celebrations that was held at the state house on May 1st 2020, the president stressed on the importance of supporting and investing in the local products ranging from the artistry, music, films, programs to locally produced goods and services.

Mr. Kenyatta illustrated that in order to facilitate quick growth of the economy after the defeat of the global pandemic novel Covid 19, Kenyans need to spend their money and resources locally as this will help prevent millions of Kenyans from parmanently losing their jobs. 

This statement clearly echoes what Khaligraph Jones, a Kenyan music star has been asking Kenyans throughout his career through his music. Khaligraph Jones must now be a happy man knowing that he now has the full support of the president, who has now taken it upon himself to urge Kenyans to be supportive to their own.

Due to the ongoing Covid 19 pandemic, Kenyans are already experiencing had economic times and major of the population who generally depends on the hand to mouth basis of hustle are now finding it very hard to survive. You can just imagine if the gets worse how it will be for Kenya as a country.

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