Unlike physical abuse emotional abuse is often difficult to note.It can slowlymanifest in someone and at times the signs can be subtlebut dont be mistaken as the results can just be catastrophic as physical abuse. We have compiled for you some few signs to look out for in case you or your loved one is ever in trouble.
1.You feel powerless
Relationship charity Relate states :
If your partner's actions makes you feel small, controlled or as if you're unable to talk about what's wrong, it abusive.
2. You feel guilty
This can range from emotional blackmail to sulking or giving you the silent treatment, according to the charity, this is a method of manipulation.
3. Your partner is indifferent
You could be sad about something but your partner isn't upset or supportive. According to Rodman, this is because, "in order to stay in control, emotional abusers need your focus to be on them. Their tolerance for your woes is limited because they need to quickly get back to their fix: abusing you".

4. You're undermined
If your partner is constantly dismissing your opinion, or makes you doubt your own opinion about the relationship by acting as if you're being oversensitive towards something they've done. They can also dispute the version of an event.
5. You're treated to grand gestures
"When an abusive partner knows they've overstepped the line and you're questioning the relationship, get ready for a grand gesture - an expensive meal out, a surprise weekend away, an expected gifts or a bunch of flowers," says Sally Brown
"The original problem remains unresolved, or not even acknowledged - a grand gesture buys your silence and your part of the deal is not to insist on talking things through," she added.
6. You're criticised
From the psychotherapist Abby Rodman Huffington Post writing, it quotes:
"seems like everyone is complimenting your wardrobe, recent weight loss, or latest blog post. Everyone, except that one person who should be leading the cheering section. Your emotionally abusive partner is more invested in tearing you down and keeping you down. He really doesn't want you feeling good about yourself. If you do, you might realize you could do better elsewhere. So instead of loving praise, you'll get a reaction that takes you down a notch or two. Or ten."
7. You Doubt Yourself
" Gradually you get a feeling that things just don't quite add up-your partner's contradict something they have just told you previously, or you suspect you're not getting the whole picture (about their last relationship or why they left thair last job). They may also deny doing or saying something that you clearly remember, but they deny it with such conviction and confidence that you start to doubt yourself, " quotes Brown
" This insidious form of manipulation is called 'gaslighting' and its designed to make you doubt your mental health".

8. People notice a difference in you
" People who care about you says you seem quiet these days, or just not yourself. They wonder why you rarely go out or why you've changed the way you dress. And you find it hard to give them an explanation," writes Brown
9. Your friends have disappeared
Another sign is when someone purposefully isolates someone from their family and friends,according to charity living without abuse.